Phil Lebid
Thank You to our 2022 17th Annual Phil Lebid Golf Tournament

This tournament is hosted every year to honor the memory of Secret Service Agent Phil Lebid who was killed in the line of duty at the age of 30 on November 22, 2004.
All proceeds benefit the Gold Shield Foundation and the Tampa Bay Area Chiefs of Police Education and Research Foundation Monday, December 5th, 2022 8:00 AM Registration, 10:00 AM Shotgun Start.
Luncheon and awards presentation at the conclusion of play with complimentary drinks all day long.
We have also partnered with Dialed in Golf, to have TrackMan video swing analysis as part of our “Super Ticket” purchase of $50.00 at the event, part of which will be the long drive on Hole #11 where TrackMan will be used to record the drive/distance for the long drive on this hole, each golfer that purchases a “Super Ticket” will be emailed a video analysis of their swing.
Please watch the attached testimony from
Avila Golf and Country Club Head Pro Chris Slattery (click image to view video)

Important note: Field will be limited to the first 120 players (30 Teams). The field is expected to sell out quickly, the only way to guarantee a team slot is for the team to be paid in full.
Sponsorships: If you would like to become a sponsor of this tournament please click on the link below and select the sponsorship level you wish to provide. Individual and foursome registrations only skip the sponsorship levels and complete the player information tabs and then hit submit, you will be prompted to pay for the number of players you are registering.
Special Event Sponsor $5000 (click the payment button to select)
Sponsorship of putting or long drive contest
Two Foursomes (email both sets of foursome names to info@chiefsfoundation.org after providing sponsorship donation)
Commemorative Sponsor Plaque
Special Recognition during luncheon
Hole Sponsorship/Signage on hole
Logo on Website/ Program Recognition
Gold Sponsor $2500 (Click the payment button to select)
One Foursome (email foursome names to info@chiefsfoundation.org after providing sponsorship donation)
Hole Sponsorship/Signage on hole
Logo on Website/ Program Recognition
Bronze Sponsor $200 (Click the payment button to select)
Hole Sponsorship/Signage on hole
Individual or Foursome Costs: (Click the appropriate payment button to select)
​$750 for Law Enforcement Foursome (3 out of 4 must be sworn law enforcement)
Email Foursome Names to info@chiefsfoundation.org
Non-Law Enforcement $1,250 Foursome
Email Foursome Names to info@chiefsfoundation.org
The Tampa Bay Area Chiefs of Police Education & Research Foundation Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. For federal income tax purposes, you can deduct the price of the ticket or sponsorship less its estimated fair market value as a charitable contribution. Please note that the Foundation reserves the right to use your generous donations at its discretion in furtherance of any of its charitable purposes.